旧 2006-08-14, 20:38   #1
蓝海 美女
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O2Jam段位STAIRS: 彩风劲乐团技术等级段位STAIRS水平。 - 获奖理由: Night of Fire=AC|R3 GOOD.65≤200,BAD.0,MISS.1≤15|赤信号 GOOD.32≤110,BAD.0,MISS.3≤12 QQ音速新月滑靴: 此勋章授予挑战QQ音速(R2Beat)新月滑靴等级资格成功的玩家。 - 获奖理由: Lv6:Rainy Dayz=95%(V1.5) VOS段位7: 彩风VOS技术等级段位7段水平。 - 获奖理由: awe of she - dizzy theme(HD)=91% DJMAX认证S级: 此勋章是专门授予挑战SC标准成功的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 7K-Lv13: ENEMYSTORM SC=98.94% ; 7K-Lv12: Sin SC=97.58% 永恒的勋章: 此奖章均颁发给一直以来不断的在关注彩风的发展以及长期支持论坛的铁杆玩家。 - 获奖理由: 2006.4.2颁发。 
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[PSP配件]Want microSD Card for Your PSP?(想让你的PSP支持MicroSD卡么?)

Want microSD Card for Your PSP?

Posted Aug 13, 2006 at 10:07AM by Remi M. Listed in: Accessories Tags: memory stick, Sony
http://pspupdates.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/61615/2.jpgTaking advantage of the fact that different digital products today support different memory card specifications, a company called Kingmax has began offering the new multi-function microSD card. According to the company, the multi-function microSD card is made up of three parts - microSD, SD Adapter, and Memory Stick Duo Adapter.

When the product is paired with the SD Adapter, it becomes compatible with digital thingamajigs that uses SD Cards and when it's paired with the Memory Stick Duo Adapter, it becomes compatible with all devices supporting Sony Memory Pro Duo - including your beloved PSPs. And here's the deal, Kingmax could only supply 512MB multi-function microSD Cards which are way less than the 4GB Mem Sticks offered by Fry's Outpost which we reported days ago.

But if you don't want to use it for your PSPs (because the memory is relatively small), you can always use it for SD Digital cameras, PDAs, some mobile phones. The company also claims that their proprietary patented PIP technology enables their microSD products to be completely waterproof, shock/fold-resistant, and heat-resistant for greater product longevity. No price tag has been divulged for now.

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