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劲乐团 O2Jam 中国劲乐团的故乡,彩风o2jam!

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旧 2006-05-30, 23:17   #1
張嘉瑋 帅哥
级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时
張嘉瑋 的头像
 会员编号: 98477
 注册日期: 06-04
 帖子: 867
 精华: 2
 资产: 161735 彩风币
 声望: 張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊





So you want to purchase e-Games Points with your credit card?
Well, on this page we tell you how to go about doing so! The first step is to download the Terra ICT Credit Card Authorisation Form. Then fill out the form and fax it over to us. Why we need to do this is because we take your credit card security very seriously. Once we have authorised your credit card, you will be able to start purchasing e-Games Points.
Guide to Applying for Credit Card Authorisation https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_01.gifDownload the Credit Card Authorisation form.
The credit card authorisation form is in .PDF format. Please use Adobe Acrobat to view and print the form. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_02.gifFill in the form accurately. If the credit card does not belong to you (i.e. it belongs to a parent or guardian), please make sure the owner consents to fill in the application form and sign at the bottom of the form. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_03.gifPhotocopy the credit card on both sides and attach it along with the credit card authorisation form. Please make sure to cover the CVV on the credit card and to write "For Terra ICT" on the photocopy as a security measure. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/billing/credit_card.jpg https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_04.gifFax the form and the photocopy of the credit card to this number: +603 4044 5088 https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_05.gifWhen your credit card has been authorised, you will receive an activation email from us. Follow the instructions in the email and you will be able to start purchasing e-Games Points. Kindly allow us 3-4 days to allow us to process your credit card authorisation. Please confirm that your email address in your e-Games Profile is correct and up to date as we will be using that email address to contact you regarding this application. Click here to update your e-Games Profile. *Every e-Games account is only able to apply authorisation with 2 different creditcards. Every month's transactions limitation for each creditcard is 54 USD.


In order to serve you better, we have enhanced the security of our credit card services with TeleMoney. TeleMoney is a patented and award-winning online payment solution that provides you with security and confidentiality when you make payments online.
To begin using TeleMoney, you first need to register a free account with them, if you are not already a member. Registration as a member at TeleMoney is essential for you to use credit card services at e-Games.
For more information on TeleMoney, you can view the FAQ at http://www.telemoneyworld.com/faq.htm. You may also consult our updated FAQ for the required steps to make an online purchase on e-Games.

Telegraphic Transfer What is Telegraphic Transfer?
Telegraphic Transfer is a means of transferring funds overseas, payment instruction sent from one bank to another by electronic means, either SWIFT (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications) or telex. Telegraphic transfers allow people in different geographic locations to easily transfer money. Telegraphic transfer are sometimes referred to as a 'wire transfer' or T/T.
Steps to purchase e-Points using Telegraphic Transfer https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_01.gifAgree to the Terms and Condition then click Next. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_02.gifDownload the PO Form in any format you desire and print it out https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_03.gifPrint it out https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_04.gifFill in all the required particulars in the PO Form https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_05.gifGo to your bank and ask about the TT service. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_06.gifFill in the particulars for the bank-in slip with the eGamesGlobal bank account details as the beneficiary account (eGamesGlobal Account). Kindly refer to the PO form. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_07.gifConfirm the exact amount of money to be transferred to eGamesGlobal bank account. https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_08.gifAsk for the estimated time for the money to be transferred over to the beneficiary account (eGamesGlobal Account). https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_09.gifMake sure that the currency sent is in USD https://www.e-games.com.my/images/share/step_10.gifAfter wire transferring funds into our account, please scan and email this form together with the bank transaction slip to [email protected] or fax over to +603-4044 5088. Upon submission of this form, you will receive a confirmation by email of your transaction For more enquiries, please do not hesitate to call us at +603-4043 6088 or email us at [email protected] for further information.
張嘉瑋 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-30, 23:18   #2
張嘉瑋 帅哥
级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时
張嘉瑋 的头像
 会员编号: 98477
 注册日期: 06-04
 帖子: 867
 精华: 2
 资产: 161735 彩风币
 声望: 張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊

回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯


張嘉瑋 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-30, 23:24   #3
3935667 美女
级别:8 | 在线时长:110小时 | 升级还需:7小时级别:8 | 在线时长:110小时 | 升级还需:7小时
3935667 的头像
 会员编号: 50812
 注册日期: 05-07
 帖子: 241
 精华: 0
 资产: 9722 彩风币
 声望: 3935667 普普通通

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回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

3935667 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-31, 17:57   #4
ZeYa 美女
级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时
ZeYa 的头像
 会员编号: 88301
 注册日期: 06-02
 住址: カナダ
 帖子: 15482
 精华: 3
 资产: 2000000 彩风币
 声望: ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星

发 QQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 ICQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 MSN 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Yahoo! 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Skype™ 消息给 ZeYa
优秀版主奖: 此奖均颁发给在工作过程当中,表现突出的版主。 - 获奖理由: 在休闲区各个版块的工作中表现十分突出,认真负责,2006.11.29颁发。 DJMAX认证B级: 此勋章是授予通过B级标准的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 5K-Lv9:Style HD=99.87% O2Jam段位1: 彩风劲乐团技术等级段位1段水平。 - 获奖理由: Lv15:%5 HD=234642,Good369,Bad3,Miss12 社区爱心积分奖章1: 奖励给为彩风提供文字资料;下载资源或热心帮助他人的会员,等级1。 - 获奖理由: 帮助翻译MF线上付费文章 最佳情侣奖: 因为MG让你们结识,如果你们在现实中成了!请在奖章申请内填写二人的结识经历帖地址申请,结识经历帖地址请发到休闲区的“心情文字”版。 - 获奖理由: 我的情侣:hiroshizhang 
奖章总数: 5|申请奖章
回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

信用卡方式So you want to purchase e-Games Points with your credit card?Well, on this page we tell you how to go about doing so! The first step is to download the Terra ICT Credit Card Authorisation Form. Then fill out the form and fax it over to us. Why we need to do this is because we take your credit card security very seriously. Once we have authorised your credit card, you will be able to start purchasing e-Games Points.Guide to Applying for Credit Card Authorisation Download the Credit Card Authorisation form.The credit card authorisation form is in .PDF format. Please use Adobe Acrobat to view and print the form. Adobe Acrobat can be downloaded from http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Fill in the form accurately. If the credit card does not belong to you (i.e. it belongs to a parent or guardian), please make sure the owner consents to fill in the application form and sign at the bottom of the form. Photocopy the credit card on both sides and attach it along with the credit card authorisation form. Please make sure to cover the CVV on the credit card and to write "For Terra ICT" on the photocopy as a security measure.


第一步,(点击链接)下载那个Terra ICT Credit Card Authorisation Form(是一个申请表来的)。然后填写完,传真给我们。我们需要这一步骤是因为要非常严密滴保护您的信用卡资料。一旦我们收到了您的信用卡信息,你就可以开始购买e-Games的点数了。然后是,填写那张您下载的申请表的向导。这个申请表时PDF格式的。请使用Adobe Acrobat阅读,并打印出来,准确填写。后面那个是Adobe Acrobat的下载地址。。


最后,请附上CVV,并在复印件上写上"For Terra ICT"。


此帖于 2006-05-31 18:11 被 ZeYa 编辑.
ZeYa 当前离线  
+20 彩风币 超雷人的鼠标
旧 2006-05-31, 18:03   #5
显微镜 帅哥
级别:37 | 在线时长:1561小时 | 升级还需:35小时级别:37 | 在线时长:1561小时 | 升级还需:35小时级别:37 | 在线时长:1561小时 | 升级还需:35小时级别:37 | 在线时长:1561小时 | 升级还需:35小时
显微镜 的头像
 会员编号: 99399
 注册日期: 06-04
 住址: 銪妳鍀菧鈁!
 帖子: 4755
 精华: 1
 资产: 3007349 彩风币
 声望: 显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀显微镜 星途闪耀

发 QQ 消息给 显微镜 发送 AIM 消息给 显微镜 发送 MSN 消息给 显微镜 发送 Yahoo! 消息给 显微镜
彩风VIP积分奖章3: 使用“VIP积分奖章2+爱心积分奖章5”换取本奖章。 - 获奖理由: 8.11第3次参加DJ真人秀 DJMAX认证M级: 此勋章是授予挑战MX模式标准成功的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 5K-Lv13:Kuda MX=99.36% QQ音速新月滑靴: 此勋章授予挑战QQ音速(R2Beat)新月滑靴等级资格成功的玩家。 - 获奖理由: Lv6:Bingo=95% DJMAX认证A级: 此勋章是授予通过A级标准的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 7K-Lv11:CNP HD=99.59% 社区爱心积分奖章1: 奖励给为彩风提供文字资料;下载资源或热心帮助他人的会员,等级1。 - 获奖理由: 街机上报。 
奖章总数: 6|申请奖章
回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

显微镜 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-31, 18:04   #6
張嘉瑋 帅哥
级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时级别:17 | 在线时长:393小时 | 升级还需:3小时
張嘉瑋 的头像
 会员编号: 98477
 注册日期: 06-04
 帖子: 867
 精华: 2
 资产: 161735 彩风币
 声望: 張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊張嘉瑋 是将要出名的人啊

回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

張嘉瑋 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-31, 18:07   #7
ZeYa 美女
级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时
ZeYa 的头像
 会员编号: 88301
 注册日期: 06-02
 住址: カナダ
 帖子: 15482
 精华: 3
 资产: 2000000 彩风币
 声望: ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星

发 QQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 ICQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 MSN 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Yahoo! 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Skype™ 消息给 ZeYa
优秀版主奖: 此奖均颁发给在工作过程当中,表现突出的版主。 - 获奖理由: 在休闲区各个版块的工作中表现十分突出,认真负责,2006.11.29颁发。 DJMAX认证B级: 此勋章是授予通过B级标准的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 5K-Lv9:Style HD=99.87% O2Jam段位1: 彩风劲乐团技术等级段位1段水平。 - 获奖理由: Lv15:%5 HD=234642,Good369,Bad3,Miss12 社区爱心积分奖章1: 奖励给为彩风提供文字资料;下载资源或热心帮助他人的会员,等级1。 - 获奖理由: 帮助翻译MF线上付费文章 最佳情侣奖: 因为MG让你们结识,如果你们在现实中成了!请在奖章申请内填写二人的结识经历帖地址申请,结识经历帖地址请发到休闲区的“心情文字”版。 - 获奖理由: 我的情侣:hiroshizhang 
奖章总数: 5|申请奖章
回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

Fax the form and the photocopy of the credit card to this number: +603 4044 5088 When your credit card has been authorised, you will receive an activation email from us. Follow the instructions in the email and you will be able to start purchasing e-Games Points. Kindly allow us 3-4 days to allow us to process your credit card authorisation. Please confirm that your email address in your e-Games Profile is correct and up to date as we will be using that email address to contact you regarding this application. Click here to update your e-Games Profile. *Every e-Games account is only able to apply authorisation with 2 different creditcards. Every month's transactions limitation for each creditcard is 54 USD.

第四步。填写完表格,请传真到+603 4044 5088,然后你会收到我们发出的确认邮件。






此帖于 2006-05-31 18:25 被 ZeYa 编辑.
ZeYa 当前离线  
+20 彩风币 春装出行
旧 2006-05-31, 18:08   #8
ZeYa 美女
级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时
ZeYa 的头像
 会员编号: 88301
 注册日期: 06-02
 住址: カナダ
 帖子: 15482
 精华: 3
 资产: 2000000 彩风币
 声望: ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星

发 QQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 ICQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 MSN 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Yahoo! 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Skype™ 消息给 ZeYa
优秀版主奖: 此奖均颁发给在工作过程当中,表现突出的版主。 - 获奖理由: 在休闲区各个版块的工作中表现十分突出,认真负责,2006.11.29颁发。 DJMAX认证B级: 此勋章是授予通过B级标准的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 5K-Lv9:Style HD=99.87% O2Jam段位1: 彩风劲乐团技术等级段位1段水平。 - 获奖理由: Lv15:%5 HD=234642,Good369,Bad3,Miss12 社区爱心积分奖章1: 奖励给为彩风提供文字资料;下载资源或热心帮助他人的会员,等级1。 - 获奖理由: 帮助翻译MF线上付费文章 最佳情侣奖: 因为MG让你们结识,如果你们在现实中成了!请在奖章申请内填写二人的结识经历帖地址申请,结识经历帖地址请发到休闲区的“心情文字”版。 - 获奖理由: 我的情侣:hiroshizhang 
奖章总数: 5|申请奖章
回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯

作者: 張嘉瑋
ZeYa 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-31, 18:18   #9
级别:4 | 在线时长:43小时 | 升级还需:2小时
ginayao 的头像
 会员编号: 49195
 注册日期: 05-07
 住址: 伤心地
 帖子: 225
 精华: 0
 资产: 1807 彩风币
 声望: ginayao 普普通通

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回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯


ginayao 当前离线   回复时引用此帖
旧 2006-05-31, 18:21   #10
ZeYa 美女
级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时级别:49 | 在线时长:2649小时 | 升级还需:51小时
ZeYa 的头像
 会员编号: 88301
 注册日期: 06-02
 住址: カナダ
 帖子: 15482
 精华: 3
 资产: 2000000 彩风币
 声望: ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星ZeYa 绝对是天王巨星

发 QQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 ICQ 消息给 ZeYa 发送 MSN 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Yahoo! 消息给 ZeYa 发送 Skype™ 消息给 ZeYa
优秀版主奖: 此奖均颁发给在工作过程当中,表现突出的版主。 - 获奖理由: 在休闲区各个版块的工作中表现十分突出,认真负责,2006.11.29颁发。 DJMAX认证B级: 此勋章是授予通过B级标准的玩家。 - 获奖理由: 5K-Lv9:Style HD=99.87% O2Jam段位1: 彩风劲乐团技术等级段位1段水平。 - 获奖理由: Lv15:%5 HD=234642,Good369,Bad3,Miss12 社区爱心积分奖章1: 奖励给为彩风提供文字资料;下载资源或热心帮助他人的会员,等级1。 - 获奖理由: 帮助翻译MF线上付费文章 最佳情侣奖: 因为MG让你们结识,如果你们在现实中成了!请在奖章申请内填写二人的结识经历帖地址申请,结识经历帖地址请发到休闲区的“心情文字”版。 - 获奖理由: 我的情侣:hiroshizhang 
奖章总数: 5|申请奖章
回复: MF線上付費英文版﹐大家幫翻譯


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