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Polymer demand rapid growth over the next five years  
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旧 2010-11-27, 11:37   #1
zx900508 美女
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 声望: zx900508 普普通通

Polymer demand rapid growth over the next five years

Because of China, India, Latin America, central Europe and other emerging economies driver, is expected to
2011 until 2014, polymer global GDP growth needs fast annual growth rate of more than 5%.
Statistics show that 2009 global polymer consumption is about 1.76 billion tons, including polyethylene
consumption 38%, close to 67 million tons. According to the annual growth rate of more than 5% computative,
2014, polyethylene demand will exceed pane shows tons. High density polyethylene polymer of world total
demand of 17%, approximately 3,000 tons; Linear low density polyethylene and low density polyethylene 11 per
cent and 10% respectively.
Reports emphasize, linear low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene strong demand growth
attributed to packaging and non durable goods were increased dosage of. The new global production of low
density polyethylene capacity, most product for the low density polyethylene and high density polyethylene.
This year economic hit bottom rebound, demand is growing rapidly.
At present, the American market polyethylene supply tightens, starts to 90%. The European market is similar
with the United States, Germany, domestic market will continue to increase the export market will gradually
going strong, Turkey market grew by more than 10 percent, in all parts of the world to be above 2009 level.
Expected 2011 polyethylene demand growth this year and will not have the same significantly, closer to GDP
growth level, growth 4.5% to 5.5%. http://www.21chemnet.com
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