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2.0-2.80固件通用的新自制程序"Hello World"诞生!(无需GTA!)  
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旧 2006-08-29, 09:06   #1
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警告 2.0-2.80固件通用的新自制程序"Hello World"诞生!(无需GTA!)

<IMG onmousewheel="return imgzoom(this);" onmouseover="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.style.cursor='hand'; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" onclick="if(!this.resized) {return true;} else {window.open('http://pspupdates.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/63483/hw_all_qjgenth.jpg');}" src="http://pspupdates.qj.net/uploads/articles_module/63483/hw_all_qjgenth.jpg" onload="if(this.width>screen.width*0.7) {this.resized=true; this.width=screen.width*0.7; this.alt='Click here to open new window\nCTRL+Mouse wheel to zoom in/out';}" border=0>
Today hundreds of PSP's will say hello to the world as they run their first piece of homebrew - the "Hello World" application. This will be made possible by a new exploit found that does not require one to own a copy of Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories, but rather load a simple image off of your memory stick. This remarkable demonstration can be executed on 2.0, 2.01, 2.50, 2.60, 2.70, 2.71, and 2.80 firmwares!

If you are stumbling while reading this sentence, I wouldn’t be surprised. I just told you that you are now able to execute a homebrew application on 2.0-2.80 firmware. Now that you know it is possible, you are probably wondering how. With the combined effort of several dedicated users – NOPx86 (provided the original x86 proof of concept), psp250, skylark, joek2100, jimp, cswindle and Fanjita, they have managed to execute the first piece of homebrew on all firmwares above (and including) 2.0!

Less than a week ago, Fanjita dropped by our forums to tell us that a newly discovered exploit is indeed genuine and a usable exploit. This “exploit” started off as a discovery by NOPx86 in libtiff. He managed to find vulnerability and as a result – alter it to crash the PSP and many other image viewers. Fanjita, NOPx86 and the rest of this exploit team have put their hearts and souls into this exploit, and as a result they were able to execute a Hello World application on all PSP’s with the ability to view tiff files (2.0+). This application runs in "User Mode", but kernel mode will be achievable on all firmwares except 2.80.

To execute this “Hello World” application on your 2.0+ PSP, please follow the following directions -

Unpack the ZIP file to your PSP's PHOTO folder
Navigate to your PSP's PHOTO director and attempt to view the newly transferred picture
Note: You may find that the screen does not show correct (occasionally happens) - just restart your PSP (fully shutoff by holding the power button up) and open the picture again.

Here at PSPUpdates, there isn't anything more exciting than news on a new exploit working, and this is no exception. Please feel free to share your shouts of joy below in our comments section as many have or will be going back to school soon - this comes at the best of times! We will continue to cover this breaking news as it happens, so you can rest peacefully without the fear of missing something.
今天,数百个PSP玩家将对世界Say Hello,当他们运行他们的第一个自制程序-“Hello World” 。这将有可能找到一个新的开发方法,而不需要GTA:LCS的UMD,只需在你的记忆棒中载入一张简单的图象。这个方法可以在2.0、2.01、2.50、2.60、2.70、2.71以及2.80固件上使用!



要在2.0+固件上运行这个“Hello World”程序,请遵循以下步骤:



文件类型: zip helloworld_all.zip (3.3 KB, 1 次查看) [下载此附件需要消耗5彩风币,下载中会自动扣除。]

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旧 2006-08-29, 10:32   #2
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回复: 2.0-2.80固件通用的新自制程序"Hello World"诞生!(无需GTA!)


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旧 2006-08-29, 11:19   #3
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旧 2006-08-30, 22:48   #4
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观望 - - 好象说的比较通用。。。。。。。。。但是真的有效么
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